What We Believe

We believe music makes every life better and makes you more successful at everything you do.
We believe that good music teachers can forever change lives.
We believe everyone is a musician — even you, and you’d be happier if you played more.
We believe that making music is easier when you have a quality instrument and a good teacher.
We believe in keeping the best gear in stock so you don’t have to wait.
We believe in letting you trade stuff in when you are ready for something new.
We believe you make better music when your instrument is properly tuned and serviced.
We believe in giving you back your money when something’s not right and we can’t fix it.
We believe in asking for forgiveness if we screw up.
We believe if better is possible, then good is not enough.
We believe communication is the cure for imperfection.
We believe work should be fun.
We believe our people are important. Each one makes a difference.
We believe you have music inside of you — and it wants out.